I felt a Funeral, in my Brain by: Emily Dickinson

I’m using the 1970 prompt structure and then conveying the author’s attitude towards death

Ms. Dickinson is describing how she would possibly feel at her future funeral. telling the readers that the service had the likeness of a drum repetitive and ongoing almost droning on to keep pace so that the funeral can end in a timely fashion and the people can get back to their hum drum life and wait till they get to see their own drum beat funeral. Ms. Dickinson’s mind is going numb possibly from under stimulation as she believes that maybe no one will care to say anything less than superficial at her funeral and that she was less than understood. Feeling the toll of space as she is moved lower into the ground so some plants are denied her body because she is wrapped in their dead brothers. Heaven being on its own its own frequency and her and silence being the absence of one feeling as though she won’t be able to attain her version of heaven as though it was purposefully made to exclude her and silence together. Lastly she says that a plank of reason breaks letting her escape and fall through various realities and at the very least attaining closure. She wants to believe that she will have closure after her death even if she does not get to become part of her heaven. Ms. Dickinson believes that death is an inevitability that maybe you won’t die with people having known the real you and the only thing you should hope for are answers once you’re on the other side.

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