Tobermory Theme and Tone

The tone being projected through the last line is a sociopathic bit of maliciousness. basically this person regards Cornelius with the same level of respect he gave to the cat that was slaughtered, taking delight in this event if only for the fact that his social position would not be able to survive if others actually knew the truth behind the liquor soaked mask, that he wears at parties to give the guests an opportunity to flex their forced social graces that become more sloppy and unrefined with each glass of poison;
they so eagerly let soak in their hollow throats. The theme this lovely story exudes is that  intellect is power that can be shared through various means such as a cat and then a murderous elephant, but those who put that power on display and expose others lack of power are subject to harsh consequences. The cycle continues and once again the creator falls victim to his own craft.

Outward Conformity

The disconnect between ones actions and thoughts is a red flag for numerous psychological illnesses and the major cause of this disconnect is societal norms and enforced thinking that leads to conformity, Bernard from Huxley’s “Brave New World” thinks as though he wishes we could go against the “normal” society he lies in because he desires more then what the utopia is presenting him. This makes him question if a society that could make him feel as such is really that perfect. Friction starts to manifest in the form of his actions contributing to his actual thoughts he then conforms and submits even as his underdeveloped morals struggle to grasp deeper concepts beyond his taught right and wrong. Even though Bernard is supposed to be unopposed and the alpha he succumbs to others wishes and puts his thoughts in a secondary position. Bernard is a coward disguised as a pursuer of more but how can one pursue their desires if the only ever implement them in theory, Bernard’s inner self greatly juxtaposes his outer self-creating a contrast that is almost contradictory enough to make his two half’s separate entities with separate goals and personalities separated by a chasm of pressure built up for generations by the government and put into action by the citizens themselves creating a cycle of unfulfilled wants.

If someone’s actions mirrored their own thoughts the world would be full of serial killers and millionaires, not all desires are positive or morally right most fall into the grey and people are usually defined by which desires they act on such as the positive ones that benefit the majority, these people are regarded a hero’s of sorts and those who do the opposite and go towards the more morally grey or dark they end up in the villain category. But there is a vast majority of people who fall into neither category and end up in a category that is mostly neutral but with that neutrality comes with the price of being the enabler of those who have more radical or stronger connections to their more extreme desires. Bernard is in the passive category while his inner self would fall into a more radical category that would want to take action. Morals are used as the wiring that strings together our thoughts and connects those thoughts to the reality that is desired, they either allow the desire to materialize in the form of an action or deny it access to the outside world which means the thought is still their but it was never acted upon letting it fester within the individuals mind or assimilate with the morals and become part of the larger mechanism governing the body. Bernard becomes a prime example of what happens when someone relinquishes their control to a power they believe to be above them in this case the government which becomes their morals the brake or the accelerator controlling their thoughts and actions what makes them an individual. Some minds become one with this set of morals that has been instilled and others fight against it and intern themselves in Bernard’s case. This contributes to “Brave New Worlds” meaning which can be interpreted as your thoughts become your actions and your morals act the mediator between the two speaking on behalf of individual thinking as other morals can act as viruses infecting your psyche and what Huxley regarded as your being everything that makes someone themselves and draws the line between the individual and the masses.