Sound-Color Synesthesia

One of my favorite types of Synesthesia is sound-color because it’s always fun to space out and watch while I’m bored. In the simplest of terms sound-color synesthesia is when my brain processes sound and the signals flow to the visual processing section of my brain creating visual input out of the sounds that I’m experiencing. Different tones correlate with the hues of the colors; a deeper sound would have a darker tone while a softer or higher note will usually have a lighter hue. I haven’t found a correlation between the color and sound because while synesthesia is largely based on association the colors of such sounds are usually subject to random association. The shape of the colored sound is mostly subject to its pitch and where it’s originating from, spatially I see the color originating from where the sound is coming from, Ex: when someone is speaking I see the color coming out of their mouth, and if I’m not looking at them then I see the color coming from where they are. This is particularly hard to describe in terms others understand because it is a means of perception that I’ve had since birth, and usually I can only fully explain it to someone who also has synesthesia. Sounds usually have shapes that flow and either dissolve into nothingness or continue on until I can’t see them anymore. The size of the sound is connected to the how loud it is. Ex: when I wear headphones everything in my visual field has colored shapes flowing around it overlapping with what my eyes are actually seeing. Thankfully I’m able to view what my eyes are physically seeing separately from what my synesthesia is creating, without this I’d probably not be very good at seeing because what I see would always be flooded with the sound that I’m hearing. Any questions that are needed for clarification are welcome and the next synesthesia based post will be coming soon.

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