Tobermory Theme and Tone

The tone being projected through the last line is a sociopathic bit of maliciousness. basically this person regards Cornelius with the same level of respect he gave to the cat that was slaughtered, taking delight in this event if only for the fact that his social position would not be able to survive if others actually knew the truth behind the liquor soaked mask, that he wears at parties to give the guests an opportunity to flex their forced social graces that become more sloppy and unrefined with each glass of poison;
they so eagerly let soak in their hollow throats. The theme this lovely story exudes is that  intellect is power that can be shared through various means such as a cat and then a murderous elephant, but those who put that power on display and expose others lack of power are subject to harsh consequences. The cycle continues and once again the creator falls victim to his own craft.

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